Author: adinkraalphabet_r0g8j4

  • Dumso and qubit

    Dum or so = 1 bit, dumso = qubit (quantum bit).

  • Dum or so nwotwe or 1 byte

    Dum or so nwotwe or 8 bits is equal to 1 byte.

  • Basic HMTL program with Adinkra Alphabet

    HTML pages are text documents. Computer codes in HTML document are identified with elements called tags. In Adinkra html tags are written in English. The text document is in Adinkra Alphabet.

  • Fofo



    Transliteration – “Seed of fofo plant.”

    Meaning – “Symbol of warning against jealousy and covetousness.”

  • Adinkra Supersymmetry

    The symmetry existing between all Adinkra symbols, Adinkra Alphabet and Adinkra graphical images (ATOL, AFOL, AFrOL and ASOL) is called Adinkra supersymmetry.

    Adinkra supersymmetry with N = 6

    Adinkra supersymmetry with N = 8

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  • President John Atta Mills

    i havE always said that i will bE prEsidEnt for all ghanaians whEthEr thEy votEd for mE or not, and without ConsidEration for which part of the Country they ComE from. It will bE my duty as prEsidEnt to hEal wounds and unitE our dEar nation. i intEnd to pursuE rElEntlEssly all avEnuEs for EntrEnching pEaCE and unity in all parts of thE Country as i am EnjoinEd by thE Constitution to do.”
    “I have always said that I will be President for all Ghanaians whether they voted for me or not, and without consideration for which part of the country they come from. It will be my duty as President to heal wounds and unite our dear nation. I intend to pursue relentlessly all avenues for entrenching peace and unity in all parts of the country as I am enjoined by the constitution to do.”
  • Osram



    Transliteration – “The Moon”.

    Meaning – “Symbol of patience, silence and understanding”.

  • Nsoromma



    Transliteration – “A child of the heavens or a star”.

    Meaning – Symbol of a person who is a leader or a guardian.

  • Nkyinkyim



    Transliteration – “Twisting”.

    Meaning – Symbolizes toughness and adaptability.