Author: adinkraalphabet_r0g8j4

  • Thomas Sowell

    “it is usually futilE to try to talk faCts and analysis to pEoplE who arE Enjoying a sEnsE of moral supEriority in thEir ignoranCE.” – thomas sowEll
    “It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” – Thomas Sowell
  • Cassava

    aGEli WE Kolo mE To DaDa Gc o.
    Agbeli dze kpolo me tso dada gbo o.
    Hard and tasteless cassava has nothing to do with the way it was cooked.
  • Noam Chomsky

    “how it is wE havE so muCh information but, know so littlE? – noam Chomsky
    “How it is we have so much information but, know so little?” – Noam Chomsky
  • Mfuo

    wo mfuo dccso a, woye nE Ninaa.
    Wo mfuo dooso a, woye ne nyinaa.
    If you have many farms, you cultivate them all.
  • Mmofra Mmofra – Ghana children’s rhyme

    Mmofra mmofra is a popular rhyme song in Ghana.

    mmcfra mmcfraMmofra mmofraChildren Children
    yEs auntiEYes auntieYes auntie
    mmcfra mmcfraMmofra mmofraChildren Children
    yEs auntiEYes auntieYes auntie
    tEa noC wc hEC?Tea no wo he?Where is the tea?
    yanoCmYanomWe drunk it
    paanoCoC noC wc hEC?Paanoo no wo he?Where is the bread?
    yEdiYediWe ate it
    kuruwa noC wc hEC?Kuruwa no wo he?Where is the cup?
    yabcYaboWe broke it
    iyi WEC mEC kotiEIyi dze me kotieThat I will not accept
    yepa QewYepa kyewWe beg you
    iyi WEC mEC kotiEIyi dze me kotieThat I will not accept
    yepa QewYepa kyewWe beg you
  • Dua

    dua a ENa wo a ebewc waMi no, yEtu asEe; yensEnsEnE ano.
    Dua a enya wo a ebewo wani no, yetu asee; yensensene ano.
    A stick that has the potential to piece ones eye is uprooted rather than sharpened.
  • Woman

    nyirkcJu lana mali o limli so be dEEira.
    Nyirkoyu lana mali o limli so be deeira.
    A woman with slim buttocks has her beads around her waist and nobody can take them from her.
  • Pete Pete – Ghana Children rhyme

    AdinkraAkan English
    pete pete
    Pete pete
    Vulture vulture
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwaSenyiwa dedende senyiwaSay ni wa day denday say ni wa
    woC maamEC rECfre woC oWo maame refre wo oYour mother is calling you
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    csEC mEC mbeye den?Ose me mbeye den?What does she want me to do?
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    csEC bEdidiOse bedidiShe wants you to come and eat
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    eben aCdiban a?Eben adiban a?What kind of food is it?
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    fufu na abe nqanFufu na abe nkwanFufu and palm nut soup
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    mmcfra nQe ndi oMmofra nkye ndi oLet the children share it
    sENiwa dEdEndE sENiwa Senyiwa dedende senyiwa Say ni wa day denday say ni wa
    sENiwa dEdEndE, sENiwa dEdEndE, sENiwa dEdEndE, sENiwa
    Senyiwa dedende, Senyiwa dedende, Senyiwa dedende, senyiwa
    Say ni wa day denday, say ni wa day denday say ni wa day denday say ni wa
  • Colin Powell

    “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – General Colin Powell.
    Colin powEll
  • Old Bones

    lagla xoxo mE Fo na dEtsi o.
    Lagla xoxo me fo na detsi o.
    Old bones from former hunting cannot be used to prepare a sauce in the present.