Author: adinkraalphabet_r0g8j4

  • Pronunciation


    There are 10 vowels in Adinkra Alphabet. Adinkra character C (C) is a vowel marker.

    Adinkra Alphabet has 32 consonants. Adinkra character x (x) is a marker for mathematical Array.

  • Review

    Review by Phillip Nyakpo, AfricanPod

    “Doctor Charles Korankye’s new book about the hidden meaning of Adinkra symbols from West African is fascinating, and more than that, he has invented a unique Alphabet system, using only the Adinkra symbols.”

    Review by Yaw Berko, MD:

    “The book is well written, easily readable and is well researched. It even delves into the metaphysical and numerical values of our Adinkra symbols. I encourage every curious minded person seeking to expand his/her horizons to grab a copy of this book.

    It is a must for any African or for that matter Ghanaian to grab a copy. I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.”

    Review by Timothy Ngnenbe: Review in the Ghanaian Daily Graphic.

  • Adinkra Supersymmetry N= 6

    In supergravity theory, supersymmetry theory and superstring theory, Adinkra symbols are a graphical representation of supersymmetry algebras. The similarity between Adinkra in supersymmetry and Adinkra symbols is that they are both graphical representations with hidden meanings (Prof. Sylvester James Gates Jr.).

  • Antelope

    thE antElopE says that if you stay at onE spot in thE forEst for far too long, you will bEcomE thirsty.
    The antelope says that if you stay at one spot in the forest for far too long, you will become thirsty.

  • Adinkra Cardinal Signs

    Below are the assigned Adinkra Cardinal Signs and Symbols.

    Cardinal DirectionElementAdinkra SymbolMeaning of Adinkra symbolSacred Animal
    NorthEarthAdu HwamFragranceBlack Panther
    SouthFireAprukumaA medicinal seedCobra
    East AirAbode SantannTotality of the UniverseTawny Eagle
    WestWaterNea Ope Se Obedi HeneHe/She who wants to be kingDolphin
  • Adinkra Card Game Numbers

    Adinkra card game has a total of 52 cards. This consist of the 28 spheres of the Adinkra Flower of Life (AFOL) and 22 paths of the Adinkra Tree of Life (ATOL).

    There is one miscellaneous sphere and one miscellaneous path giving a total of 52 spheres and paths as demonstrated in the diagram below.

  • Osram Ne Nsoromma

    csram nEC nsoCroCmma

    Transliteration“The Moon and the Star”.
    MeaningSymbolizes love, faithfulness and harmony.
    csram nEC nsoCroCmma
  • Dwennimmen


    Transliteration“Ram’s horns”.
    MeaningSymbolizes humility together with strength.
  • Fihankra


    Transliteration“You did not say goodbye when you left home”.
    MeaningSymbolize security and safety.
  • Duafe


    Transliteration“Wooden comb”.
    MeaningSymbol of beauty and cleanliness.