NamEC biribi wc soCroC
Glyph | o |
Transliteration | “God’s something is in the heavens”. |
Meaning | God dwells in the heavens and he answers prayers. |

Adinkra Alphabet glyphs
NamEC biribi wc soCroC
Glyph | o |
Transliteration | “God’s something is in the heavens”. |
Meaning | God dwells in the heavens and he answers prayers. |
Glyph | n |
Transliteration | “Divider”. |
Meaning | Symbolizes skillfulness and precision. |
Glyph | m |
Transliteration | “Knot of reconciliation”. |
Meaning | Symbol of reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification. |
mmECre danEC
Glyph | l |
Transliteration | “Time changes”. |
Meaning | Symbol of change and the dynamism of life. |
Glyph | k |
Transliteration | “Puffed up extravagance” |
Meaning | Symbolizes the nature of some individuals who are arrogant, pompous and bossy. |
Glyph | j |
Transliteration | “Handcuff”. |
Meaning | A symbol of the uncompromising nature of the law to offenders and discourage slavery. |
esEC nEC tekrema
Glyph | i |
Transliteration | “The teeth and the tongue”. |
Meaning | Friendship and interdependence. |
Glyph | h |
Transliteration | “Measuring Stick”. |
Meaning | “Symbolizes strive towards perfection.” |
Glyph | g |
Transliteration | “Except God”. |
Meaning | Symbol of the supremacy of God. |
Glyph | f |
Transliteration | “Freedom”. |
Meaning | Independence comes with its responsibilities. |