Category: Adinkra Symbols

  • Epa

    epa Glyph j Transliteration “Handcuff”. Meaning A symbol of the uncompromising nature of the law to offenders and discourage slavery.

  • Ese Ne Tekrema

    esEC nEC tekrema Glyph i Transliteration “The teeth and the tongue”. Meaning Friendship and interdependence.

  • Hwemudua

    hwEmudua Glyph h Transliteration “Measuring Stick”. Meaning “Symbolizes strive towards perfection.”

  • Gye Nyame

    ZEC NamEC Glyph g Transliteration “Except God”. Meaning Symbol of the supremacy of God.

  • Fawohodie

    fawoChoCdiE Glyph f Transliteration “Freedom”. Meaning  Independence comes with its responsibilities.

  • Eban

    eban Glyph E Transliteration “Fence”. Meaning A home with a fence is considered an ideal residence.

  • Dame Dame

    damEC damEC Glyph d Transliteration “Name of a board game” Meaning Signifies intelligence and ingenuity.

  • Owo Foro Adobe

    cwc foCroC adoCbe Glyph C Transliteration snake climb the raffia palm Meaning Signifies persistence and diligence to achieve success.

  • Bi NKa Bi

    bi nka bi Glyph b Transliteration Bite not one another. Meaning  Caution against negative actions towards one another such as cheating.

  • Adinkrahene

    aCdinkrahECnEC Glyph a Transliteration “Chief or King of Adinkra symbols” Meaning To act in a leadership role and inspire others.