Category: Card Game

Card Game

  • Adinkra Spar

    Adinkra spar is a trick card game where the aim is to win the last trick. A card with a lower Adinkra number override one with a higher Adinkra number. The player with the lowest Adinkra number is the winner of a trick. The winner of the trick plays any card from their hand to begin the next trick. Players who have no card of the same element may play any card they choose.

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  • Tarot Card

    Tarot Card

    Shuffle all cards and then select 3 cards randomly.

    The reading is based on the Adinkra virtue at the center of each card.

    A daily, monthly, yearly, new year or special occasion read can be done as desired. The read will have special meaning to the individual selecting the cards.

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  • Top Card Elements

    Top Card Elements

    Distribute 5 cards to each player.

    A card with a lower number override a card with a higher number.

    Players play in turn.

    The order of override is as above. A card with Air element will override a card with fire element. A card with fire element will override a card with water element. A card with water element override a card with earth element. For cards with the same element the one with a lower Adinkra number wins.

    The first player to run out of cards win the game.

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  • Adinkra Cribbage

    Adinkra Cribbage

    Game Rules

    1. Adinkra cribbage is played with a cribbage board.
    2. Distribute 5 or 6 cards to each player. 6 cards each for 2 players and 5 cards for 3 or more players.
    3. The crib belongs to the person distributing the cards.
    4. Each player contribute 1 or 2 cards to the crib. 2 cards each for 2 players and 1 card each for 3 or more players.
    5. The opponent cut the cards to reveal the top card or starter.
    6. The opponent get 2 points if the starter card is an Ether Element card.
    7. Players will have 4 cards in hand.
    8. Players play in turn and add card points as they go along.
    9. Cards are numbers zero to 9. Ignore zeros when counting Adinkra card game numbers. For cards with two or more digits, add the numbers to get a single digit from zero to 9.
    10. The first player to reach 12 points score 2 points.
    11. The next player to reach 28 points score 2 points.
    12. If a player does not have a lower card number to reach 28 points they pass and the game restart from zero.
    13. The opponent score one point if the player passes a round.
    14. The cards are not placed at the center of the table as each player needs to pick up the cards they played.
    15. When all cards are played the person with the crib count his score for played cards and the crib.
    16. Points are scored for card combinations that add up to 12, and for pairs, triplets, quadruples, runs and flushes.
    17. The opponent also count his scores after that.
    18. The starter card is used in counting scores.

    Download: Adinkra Card Game booklet

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  • Adinkra Card Game Numbers

    Adinkra card game has a total of 52 cards. This consist of the 28 spheres of the Adinkra Flower of Life (AFOL) and 22 paths of the Adinkra Tree of Life (ATOL).

    There is one miscellaneous sphere and one miscellaneous path giving a total of 52 spheres and paths as demonstrated in the diagram below.