aCdinkra |
yennoCm nsuo ntwen cpe |
English |
Nobody can preparefor harmattan by drinking plenty of water. |

aCdinkra |
yennoCm nsuo ntwen cpe |
English |
Nobody can preparefor harmattan by drinking plenty of water. |
Adinkra |
woCtECna dufcQECe soC di bcfre a, woC toC fc, wanoC nsoC fc. |
Adinkra |
obi nnim a, obi QECre. |
English |
The one who knows teaches the one who does not know. |
Adinkra |
Etiri koCroC nkc aCZina. |
English |
A single person cannot hold a consultation. |
Adinkra |
nantuo kcsECnEC sECre a na yadECe wcmu. |
Akan |
Nantuo kosene sere a na yadee womu. |
English |
If the calves grow bigger than the thigh, then there is some disease in them. |
Adinkra |
yebesi woC soC a anka yeSee woC ma. |
Akan |
Yebesi wo so a anka yehyee wo ma. |
English |
If they had intended to serve you a second time you would have got a calabashful the first time. |
Adinkra |
bcfre a eye de na abaa da asECe – ghana mmEbusem. |
Akan |
Bofre a eye de na abaa da asee – Ghana Mmebusem. |
Adinkra |
noCqarEC ye ayarECsa – ghana mmEbusem. |
English |
Truth is a cure – Ghanaian proverb. |
Adinkra |
bomoQiQiE firi nsuo asEC beka se denQem aCwu a yenNEC noC aCQiNEC. |
Akan |
Bomokyikyie firi nsuo ase beka se denkyem awu a yennye no akyinye. |
English |
If the bomokyikyie (a type of fish) comes from under the waters to say that the crocodile is dead, do not doubt it. |
Adinkra |
adEe Nina dan asuahunu. |
Akan |
Adee nyina dan asuahunu. |