- moko Enmee TohE ni Eya yE kccycc abo.
- Moko enmee tsohe ni eya ye kooyoo abo.
- kaadi omusuM see ni oTc yakaGcmc.
- Kaadi omusun see ni otso yakagbomo.
Category: Ghana Mmebusem
Ghanaian proverbs (Akan, Ewe, Ga and Dagbani)
Ga Proverbs
Adinkra adEe Nina dan asuahunu. Akan Adee nyina dan asuahunu. -
Kpaai bahi
Adinkra Kaai bahi vari zaa. Dagbani Kpaai bahi vari zaa. English Don’t cry over spilt milk. -
Adinkra aGEli WE Kolo mE To DaDa Gc o. Ewe Agbeli dze kpolo me tso dada gbo o. English Hard and tasteless cassava has nothing to do with the way it was cooked. -
Adinkra wo mfuo dccso a, woye nE Ninaa. Akan Wo mfuo dooso a, woye ne nyinaa. English If you have many farms, you cultivate them all. -
Adinkra dua a ENa wo a ebewc waMi no, yEtu asEe; yensEnsEnE ano. Akan Dua a enya wo a ebewo wani no, yetu asee; yensensene ano. English A stick that has the potential to piece ones eye is uprooted rather than sharpened. -
Adinkra nyirkcJu lana mali o limli so be dEEira. Dagbani Nyirkoyu lana mali o limli so be deeira. English A woman with slim buttocks has her beads around her waist and nobody can take them from her. -
Old Bones
Adinkra lagla xoxo mE Fo na dEtsi o. Ewe Lagla xoxo me fo na detsi o. English Old bones from former hunting cannot be used to prepare a sauce in the present. -
Adinkra kaadi omusuM see ni otsc yakagbcmc. Ga Kaadi omusun see ni otso yakagbomo. English Do not allow the belly to make you useless. -
Adinkra kckcsaCQi si ctoC nEC kosua wc soCroC, efiri se bcmmcfoCc hoC ye hu. Akan Kokosakyi si oto ne kosua wo soro, efiri se bommofuo ho ye hu. English Though I am not edible, “says the vulture, “yet I nurse my eggs in the branches of a tall tree because man is hard to be trusted.
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