Category: Ghana Mmebusem

  • Stone

  • Patience

    Adinkra sunulo vECla di malibu nto. Dagbani Sunulo vela di malibu nto. English Patience is good, but hard to practice.

  • Onyansafuo

    Adinkra yesoma onyansafoc, enye anamcntEntEn. Akan Yesoma onyansafuo, enye anamontenten. English We send a wise person, not one with long legs.

  • Asuahunu

    Adinkra adEe nyina dan asuahunu. Akan Adee nyina dan asuahunu. English Experience is the best teacher.

  • Hwimhwim

    Adinkra hwimhwim adEe kc srcsrc. Akan Hwimhwim adee ko srosro. English Easy comes, easy go.

  • Baanu

    Adinkra baanu so a, Emmia. Akan Baanu so a, emmia. English When two people carry, the load lightens.

  • Anoma

    Adinkra anoma anntu a, obua da. Akan Anoma anntu a, obua da. English If a bird does not fly, it goes to bed hungry.

  • Owuo Kum Nyame

    Adinkra cdoCmankoCma bc owuo ma owuo kum noC. Akan Odomankoma bo owuo man owuo kum no. English The Creator created death only for death to kill him.

  • Bere

    Adinkra bEre annuru annuru a, etra. Akan Bere annuru annuru a, etra. English Procrastination is the thieve of time.

  • Owo

    Adinkra nEa cwc aka no pen no suro sonsono. Akan Nea owo aka no pen no suro sonsono. English He/She who has been bitten by a snake will be afraid of a worm.