Category: Ghana Mmebusem
Adinkra sunulo vECla di malibu nto. Dagbani Sunulo vela di malibu nto. English Patience is good, but hard to practice.
Adinkra yesoma onyansafoc, enye anamcntEntEn. Akan Yesoma onyansafuo, enye anamontenten. English We send a wise person, not one with long legs.
Adinkra adEe nyina dan asuahunu. Akan Adee nyina dan asuahunu. English Experience is the best teacher.
Adinkra hwimhwim adEe kc srcsrc. Akan Hwimhwim adee ko srosro. English Easy comes, easy go.
Adinkra baanu so a, Emmia. Akan Baanu so a, emmia. English When two people carry, the load lightens.
Adinkra anoma anntu a, obua da. Akan Anoma anntu a, obua da. English If a bird does not fly, it goes to bed hungry.
Owuo Kum Nyame
Adinkra cdoCmankoCma bc owuo ma owuo kum noC. Akan Odomankoma bo owuo man owuo kum no. English The Creator created death only for death to kill him.
Adinkra bEre annuru annuru a, etra. Akan Bere annuru annuru a, etra. English Procrastination is the thieve of time.
Adinkra nEa cwc aka no pen no suro sonsono. Akan Nea owo aka no pen no suro sonsono. English He/She who has been bitten by a snake will be afraid of a worm.