Adinkra |
if you are on the road to nowhErE, find anothEr road. |
English |
If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road. |

Adinkra |
if you are on the road to nowhErE, find anothEr road. |
English |
If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road. |
Adinkra |
obia nE ho a cdE nE nsa bEnkum kyEre nE kuro mu kwan. |
Akan |
Obia ne ho a ode ne nsa benkum kyere ne kuro mu kwan. |
English |
No one points his/her hometown with his/her left finger. |
Adinkra |
onE liE ruins a thousand truths. |
English |
One lie ruins a thousand truths. |
Adinkra |
until thE lion tElls his sidE of thE story, thE talE of thE hunt will always glorify thE huntEr. |
English |
Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
Adinkra |
kckcsaCQi si ctoC nEC kosua wc soCroC, efiri se bcmmcfoCc hoC ye hu. |
Akan |
Kokosakyi si oto ne kosua wo soro, efiri se bommofuo ho ye hu. |
English |
Though I am not edible, “says the vulture, “yet I nurse my eggs in the branches of a tall tree because man is hard to be trusted. |
Adinkra |
by thE timE thE fool has lEarnEd thE gamE, thE playErs havE dispErsEd. |
English |
By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed. |
Adinkra symbols above are: “Wo Nsa Da Mu A” (Democracy), Kokuromotie (Thumb or Voting) and “Ananse Ntontan” (Spider web or Game).
Adinkra |
in a Community of bEggars, stEaling and not bEgging, is ConsidErEd a CrimE. |
English |
In a community of beggars, stealing and not begging, is considered a crime. |
Adinkra |
dua kontonkyikuronkyi na ema yEhunu cdwomfo. |
Akan |
Dua kontonkyikuronkyi na ema yehunu odwomfo. |
English |
It is the crooked stick that reveals who the true sculptor is. |
Adinkra |
rain bEats a lEopard’s skin, but it doEs not wash out thE spots. |
English |
Rain beats a leopard’s skin, but it does not wash out the spots. |