Adinkra |
firE and gunpowdEr do not slEEp togEthEr. |
English |
Fire and gunpowder do not sleep together. |

Adinkra |
firE and gunpowdEr do not slEEp togEthEr. |
English |
Fire and gunpowder do not sleep together. |
Adinkra |
it is no shamE at all to work for monEy. |
English |
It is no shame at all to work for money. |
Adinkra |
if all sEEds that fall wErE to grow, thEn no onE Could follow thE path undEr thE trEEs. |
English |
If all seeds that fall were to grow, then no one could follow the path under the trees. |
Adinkra |
ckoCtre a chwe noC hoC soC noC, oNini danEC apcnQECreni. |
Akan (Twi) |
Okotre a ohwe no ho so no, onyini dane aponkyereni. |
English |
A lizard that knows how to hide grows to become a crocodile. |
Adinkra |
sika ye nam sECn sECkan. |
Akan (Twi) |
Sika ye nam sen sekan. |
English |
Money is sharper than a sword. |
Adinkra |
cbaa ye nhwiren wc aCfiQifuo; nEC kunoC ye nEC ban. |
English |
A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it. |
Adinkra |
a knifE doEs not know who is its mastEr. |
English |
A knife does not know who is its master. |