Category: Inspirational Quote

  • Stevie Wonder: Ability

    Adinkraability may gEt you to thE top, but it takEs CharactEr to kEEp you thErE.” – stEviE wondEr
    English“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” – Stevie Wonder
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Lives

    yen nqa soC betwa se ye ZaEC se ye ka nECa ehoC hia.” – martin luthEr king jr.
    “Our lives being to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Face forward by Kwame Nkrumah

    Adinkrayen toC nhwe aCpuEECe ana atcECe: ye toC kc yaCnim.” – qamEC nkruma
    English“We face neither East nor West: We face forward.” – Kwame Nkrumah
  • Marcus Mosiah Garvey

    Adinkra“ema woC wECre firi se Nansa na ye dEC di wiasEC soC, cQasECa fa wiasEC soC chaw. Enti twEC woC hoC fi nQasECasem hoC na twEC ben Nansa.” – marCus garvEy
    Akan (Twi)“Wma wo were firi se nyansa na ye de di wiase so, okwasea fa wiase so ohaw. Enti twe wo ho fi nkwaseasem ho na twe ben nyansa.” – Marcus Garvey
    English“Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.” – Marcus Garvey
  • Daddy Lumba

    Adinkra“yenEC woC sECrEC qa oo…
    yennc woC” – daddy lumba
    Akan (Twi)“Yene wo sere kwa oo…
    Yenno wo” – Daddy Lumba
  • Ama Ata Aidoo

    AdinkratimE by itsElf mEans nothing, no mattEr how fast it movEs, unlEss wE givE it somEthing to Carry for us; somEthing wE valuE. bECausE it is suCh a prEcious vEhiClE, is timE.”- ama ata aidoo.
    English“Time by itself means nothing, no mater how fast it moves, unless we give it something to carry for us; something we value. Because it is such a precious vehicle, is time.” – Ama Ata Aidoo
  • Malcolm X

    Adinkra“EduCation is thE passport to thE futurE, for tomorrow bElongs to thosE who prEparE for it today.”malColm x
    English“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X
  • Serena Williams

    “enfa bECa woCasEC firi, nECa aChia nEC boCtaECe nEC aCnidasoCc” – sErEna williams
    “It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.” – Serena Wi
  • Pat Thomas

    Adinkrackcmfoc bcnEC a woatECna yarECfoCc hoC noC, a ma ckcmfoC pa abetoC noC noC wcn yi noC ma” – pat thomas
    AkanOkomfo bone a woatena yarefuo ho no, a ma okomfo pa abeto no no won yi no ma” – Pat Thomas
    English“We do not disregard the bad fetish priest who sustained the sick person till the good fetish priest arrive” – Pat Thomas