Adinkra | “ability may gEt you to thE top, but it takEs CharactEr to kEEp you thErE.” – stEviE wondEr |
English | “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” – Stevie Wonder |

Adinkra | “ability may gEt you to thE top, but it takEs CharactEr to kEEp you thErE.” – stEviE wondEr |
English | “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” – Stevie Wonder |
Adinkra |
“yen nqa soC betwa se ye ZaEC se ye ka nECa ehoC hia.” – martin luthEr king jr. |
English |
“Our lives being to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Adinkra | yen toC nhwe aCpuEECe ana atcECe: ye toC kc yaCnim.” – qamEC nkruma |
English | “We face neither East nor West: We face forward.” – Kwame Nkrumah |
Adinkra | “ema woC wECre firi se Nansa na ye dEC di wiasEC soC, cQasECa fa wiasEC soC chaw. Enti twEC woC hoC fi nQasECasem hoC na twEC ben Nansa.” – marCus garvEy |
Akan (Twi) | “Wma wo were firi se nyansa na ye de di wiase so, okwasea fa wiase so ohaw. Enti twe wo ho fi nkwaseasem ho na twe ben nyansa.” – Marcus Garvey |
English | “Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.” – Marcus Garvey |
Adinkra | “yenEC woC sECrEC qa oo… yennc woC” – daddy lumba |
Akan (Twi) | “Yene wo sere kwa oo… Yenno wo” – Daddy Lumba |
Adinkra | timE by itsElf mEans nothing, no mattEr how fast it movEs, unlEss wE givE it somEthing to Carry for us; somEthing wE valuE. bECausE it is suCh a prEcious vEhiClE, is timE.”- ama ata aidoo. |
English | “Time by itself means nothing, no mater how fast it moves, unless we give it something to carry for us; something we value. Because it is such a precious vehicle, is time.” – Ama Ata Aidoo |
Adinkra | “EduCation is thE passport to thE futurE, for tomorrow bElongs to thosE who prEparE for it today.” – malColm x |
English | “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X |
aCdinkra |
“enfa bECa woCasEC firi, nECa aChia nEC boCtaECe nEC aCnidasoCc” – sErEna williams |
English |
“It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.” – Serena Wi |
Adinkra | ckcmfoc bcnEC a woatECna yarECfoCc hoC noC, a ma ckcmfoC pa abetoC noC noC wcn yi noC ma” – pat thomas |
Akan | Okomfo bone a woatena yarefuo ho no, a ma okomfo pa abeto no no won yi no ma” – Pat Thomas |
English | “We do not disregard the bad fetish priest who sustained the sick person till the good fetish priest arrive” – Pat Thomas |