yEbESia bio

Transliteration | “We shall meet again” |
Meaning | Symbolizes all things in nature are linked and we shall meet again after saying goodbye. |

Adinkra symbol
yEbESia bio
Transliteration | “We shall meet again” |
Meaning | Symbolizes all things in nature are linked and we shall meet again after saying goodbye. |
U | Adinkra symbol | Virtue |
s | Adinkrahene | Mercy |
p | Bi Nka Bi | Peace |
a | Owo Foro Adobe | Victory |
d | Dame Dame | Judgement |
o | Eban | Charity |
C | Fawohodie | Kingship |
u | Gye Nyame | God |
q | Hwemudua | Perfection |
f | Ese Ne Tekrema | Growth |
sg | Epa | Moderation |
ss | Kintinkantan | Humility |
sp | Mmere Dane | Constancy |
sa | Mpatapo | Reconciliation |
sd | Nkyimu | Precision |
so | Nyame Biribi Wo Soro | Beauty |
sC | Pempamsie | Understanding |
su | Denkyem | Foundation |
sq | Asase Ye Duru | Providence |
sf | Sankofa | Wisdom |
pg | Aya | Endurance |
ps | Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu | Service |
pp | Bese Saka | Resourcefulness |
pa | Wawa Aba | Perseverance |
pd | Akokonan | Discipline |
po | Duafe | Cleanliness |
pC | Fihankra | Security |
pu | Dwennimmen | Resilience |
pq | Osram Ne Nsoromma | Harmony |