Tag: Bi Nka Bi

Bi Nka Bi Adinkra symbol

  • Nantuo

    nantuo kcsECnEC sECre a na yadECe wcmu.
    Nantuo kosene sere a na yadee womu.
    If the calves grow bigger than the thigh, then there is some disease in them.
  • Pat Thomas

    Adinkrackcmfoc bcnEC a woatECna yarECfoCc hoC noC, a ma ckcmfoC pa abetoC noC noC wcn yi noC ma” – pat thomas
    AkanOkomfo bone a woatena yarefuo ho no, a ma okomfo pa abeto no no won yi no ma” – Pat Thomas
    English“We do not disregard the bad fetish priest who sustained the sick person till the good fetish priest arrive” – Pat Thomas
  • President John Atta Mills

    i havE always said that i will bE prEsidEnt for all ghanaians whEthEr thEy votEd for mE or not, and without ConsidEration for which part of the Country they ComE from. It will bE my duty as prEsidEnt to hEal wounds and unitE our dEar nation. i intEnd to pursuE rElEntlEssly all avEnuEs for EntrEnching pEaCE and unity in all parts of thE Country as i am EnjoinEd by thE Constitution to do.”
    “I have always said that I will be President for all Ghanaians whether they voted for me or not, and without consideration for which part of the country they come from. It will be my duty as President to heal wounds and unite our dear nation. I intend to pursue relentlessly all avenues for entrenching peace and unity in all parts of the country as I am enjoined by the constitution to do.”
  • Bi NKa Bi

    bi nka bi

    TransliterationBite not one another.
    Meaning Caution against negative actions towards one another such as cheating.
    bi nka bi