Tag: Intelligence
Adinkra woCtECna dufcQECe soC di bcfre a, woC toC fc, wanoC nsoC fc.
Adinkra try this braCElEt: if it fits you wEar it; but if it hurts you, throw it away no mattEr how shiny – kEnya provErb English Try this bracelet: if it fits you wear it; but if it hurts you, throw it away now matter how shiny – Kenya proverb
“The best way to respond to hatred is to trigger Love. The one who Loves is the Greatest.” – Michael Owusu Addo “Sarkodie” miChaEl owusu addo “saakcdEe”
Adinkra moko Enmee TohE ni Eya yE kccycc abo. Ga Moko enmee tsohe ni eya ye kooyoo abo. English No one will leave the tree to embrace the wind
Adinkra sika ye nam sECn sECkan. Akan (Twi) Sika ye nam sen sekan. English Money is sharper than a sword.