Tag: Nyansapo

Nyansapo Adinkra symbol

  • Dufokyee

    woCtECna dufcQECe soC di bcfre a, woC toC fc, wanoC nsoC fc.
  • Bracelet

    Adinkratry this braCElEt: if it fits you wEar it; but if it hurts you, throw it away no mattEr how shiny – kEnya provErb
    EnglishTry this bracelet: if it fits you wear it; but if it hurts you, throw it away now matter how shiny – Kenya proverb
  • Sarkodie

    “The best way to respond to hatred is to trigger Love. The one who Loves is the Greatest.” – Michael Owusu Addo “Sarkodie”
    miChaEl owusu addo “saakcdEe”
  • Tree

    moko Enmee TohE ni Eya yE kccycc abo.
    Moko enmee tsohe ni eya ye kooyoo abo.
    No one will leave the tree to embrace the wind
  • Money

    sika ye nam sECn sECkan.
    Akan (Twi)
    Sika ye nam sen sekan.
    Money is sharper than a sword.