Adinkra |
until thE lion tElls his sidE of thE story, thE talE of thE hunt will always glorify thE huntEr. |
English |
Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |

Owo Foro Adobe Adinkra symbol
Adinkra |
until thE lion tElls his sidE of thE story, thE talE of thE hunt will always glorify thE huntEr. |
English |
Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
Adinkra |
ahunubipen nti na asErEwa rEgyEgyE nE ba agorc a na wayi nani ato nkyen. |
Akan |
Ahunubipen nti na aserewa regyegye ne ba agoro a na wayi nani ato nkyen. |
English |
It is because of “I have seen some before” that when the Silverbird is entertaining its young it looks away. |
Adinkra |
although thE snakE doEs not fly it CatchEs thE bird whosE homE is in thE sky. |
English |
Although the snake does not fly it catches the bird whose home is in the sky. |
Adinkra |
it is no shamE at all to work for monEy. |
English |
It is no shame at all to work for money. |
cwc foCroC adoCbe
Glyph | C |
Transliteration | snake climb the raffia palm |
Meaning | Signifies persistence and diligence to achieve success. |