Adinkra |
yebesi woC soC a anka yeSee woC ma. |
Akan |
Yebesi wo so a anka yehyee wo ma. |
English |
If they had intended to serve you a second time you would have got a calabashful the first time. |

Pempamsie Adinkra symbol
Adinkra |
yebesi woC soC a anka yeSee woC ma. |
Akan |
Yebesi wo so a anka yehyee wo ma. |
English |
If they had intended to serve you a second time you would have got a calabashful the first time. |
Adinkra |
bomoQiQiE firi nsuo asEC beka se denQem aCwu a yenNEC noC aCQiNEC. |
Akan |
Bomokyikyie firi nsuo ase beka se denkyem awu a yennye no akyinye. |
English |
If the bomokyikyie (a type of fish) comes from under the waters to say that the crocodile is dead, do not doubt it. |
Adinkra |
aGEli WE Kolo mE To DaDa Gc o. |
Ewe |
Agbeli dze kpolo me tso dada gbo o. |
English |
Hard and tasteless cassava has nothing to do with the way it was cooked. |
Adinkra |
rain bEats a lEopard’s skin, but it doEs not wash out thE spots. |
English |
Rain beats a leopard’s skin, but it does not wash out the spots. |
Adinkra |
howEvEr long a log stays in thE watEr it will nEvEr bEComE a CroCodilE. |
English |
However long a log stays in the water it will never become a crocodile. |
Adinkra |
agya bi wu a, agya bi tE asE. |
Akan |
Agya bi wu a, agya bi te ase. |
English |
One gain a new father when you lose your father. |
Adinkra |
thE timE is always right to do what is right – martin luthEr king, jr. |
English |
The time is always right to do what is right – Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Adinkra |
ckoCtre a chwe noC hoC soC noC, oNini danEC apcnQECreni. |
Akan (Twi) |
Okotre a ohwe no ho so no, onyini dane aponkyereni. |
English |
A lizard that knows how to hide grows to become a crocodile. |
Glyph | p |
Transliteration | “Sew to preserve”. |
Meaning | Preparedness and readiness. |