aCdinkra |
yennoCm nsuo ntwen cpe |
English |
Nobody can preparefor harmattan by drinking plenty of water. |

Prudence virtue
aCdinkra |
yennoCm nsuo ntwen cpe |
English |
Nobody can preparefor harmattan by drinking plenty of water. |
Adinkra |
a strangEr dancEs; hE doEs not sing. |
English |
A stranger dances; he does not sing. |
Adinkra |
if you want somEonE morE knowlEdgEable than yoursElf to idEntify a bird you do not first rEmovE thE fEathErs. |
English |
If you want someone more knowledgeable than yourself to identify a bird you do not first remove the feathers. |
Adinkra |
nEa cwc aka no pen no suro sonsono. |
Akan |
Nea owo aka no pen no suro sonsono. |
English |
He/She who has been bitten by a snake will be afraid of a worm. |
Adinkra |
firE and gunpowdEr do not slEEp togEthEr. |
English |
Fire and gunpowder do not sleep together. |
Adinkra |
aboa bi beka wo a na ofiri wo ntoma mu. |
Akan |
aboa bi beka wo a na ofiri wo ntoma mu. |
English |
If you get bitten by an animal it will be from your own clothing. |
Adinkra |
abcfra bc nwa na cmmc aQECQECdECe – ghana mmEbusem. |
Akan |
Abofra bo nwa na ommo akyekyedee – Ghana Mmebusem. |
English |
A child breaks the shell of a snail and not that of a tortoise – Ghanaian proverb. |