Tag: Resourcefulness

  • Dan

    Adinkra yendidi pii nsi dan. English One cannot both feast and become rich.

  • Mfuo

    Adinkra wo mfuo dccso a, woye nE Ninaa. Akan Wo mfuo dooso a, woye ne nyinaa. English If you have many farms, you cultivate them all.

  • Hunger

    Adinkra hungEr is fElt by thE workEr and king alikE. English Hunger is felt by the worker and King alike.

  • Anoma

    Adinkra anoma anntu a, obua da. Akan Anoma anntu a, obua da. English If a bird does not fly, it goes to bed hungry.

  • Bese Saka

    bECsEC saka Glyph v Transliteration “Sack of Cola nuts”. Meaning Symbolizes affluence, power and abundance.