Tag: Service
Obi Nnim
Adinkra obi nnim a, obi QECre. English The one who knows teaches the one who does not know.
Noam Chomsky
Adinkra “how it is wE havE so muCh information but, know so littlE? – noam Chomsky English “How it is we have so much information but, know so little?” – Noam Chomsky
Simone Biles
“I would hope I would inspire kids everywhere to know that you can do anything you put your mind to.” – Simone Biles. simonE bilEs
Lie and Truth
Adinkra onE liE ruins a thousand truths. English One lie ruins a thousand truths.
Adinkra lEt not what you Cannot do dEtEr you from what you Can do. English Let not what you cannot do deter you from what you can do.
Fofo and greed
Adinkra thE wEalth of thE grEEdy ultimatEly goEs to thE Community. English The wealth of the greedy ultimately goes to the community.
Adinkra yesoma onyansafoc, enye anamcntEntEn. Akan Yesoma onyansafuo, enye anamontenten. English We send a wise person, not one with long legs.
Adinkra a child who asks quEstions doEs not becomE a fool. English A child who asks questions does not become a fool.
Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu
nECa onnim noC sua a, ohu Glyph u Transliteration “He/She who does not know, will know from learning”. Meaning Perseverance, service and hard work in the acquisition of knowledge.